Not long time ago, the Canadian maker of BlackBerry mobile phone announced the upcoming availability of BlackBerry Messenger service for mobile platforms over there, including iOS and Android, and there is no official details on the release time been scheduled now.
However, it seems that a fake site that is supposedly built beta of BBM app for iOS and Android was launched recently and is in fact, its packed with malware.
Although it offers Android.apk and iOS.ipa, the site is not legitimate. Crackberry notes that users should stay away from him because they could infect their phones, computers and tablets when accessing that file.
Fake BBM for iOS and Android Beta Download website is Malwareplace |
BBM will indeed happen on these mobile operating systems, andBlackBerry, it will be available through official channels. We will keep an eye on his arrival too, so we must stay tuned to learn when it's coming.